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Casco Insurance

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Casco Insurance


CASCO insurance indemnifies common damages that can be caused to a vehicle. Motor third party liability insurance only indemnifies for damages caused to others. The party at fault is obliged to cover his or her own damages. The same applies to the situation when the accident does not take place in a traffic situation, or if someone breaks in your car or steals it. However, a vehicle covered by CASCO insurance is insured against all of the above named occurrences.


Insurance Perils:


The vehicle is insured for its actual value. The tariffs applied are very competitive applying various bonuses regarding the client’s experience and moral risk.


Competitive Advantages



You can have CASCO insurance even in case of leasing. In this case the financial Institution is the beneficiary.


For further details write to us at, phone number +355 4 22 58254.

CASCO insurance indemnifies common damages that can be caused to a vehicle, regardless of whose fault it is.

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